My top blog posts of 2020

Well, it has been a year, hasn't it? Although I haven't written as much as I'd like in the past few months, I wanted to reflect on my blogging journey over the past year. 

I started this blog in February with great gusto and enthusiasm. In March, the pandemic hit. I had to squeeze in work, caring for a toddler and homeschooling an older kid. It didn't leave much time or energy for writing. 

I have had many ups and downs with it, but despite the lack of blog posts in the last couple of months I have been working on my writing - mostly by reading about writing and doing short exercises to encourage creativity. I hope to get back to posting more regularly in 2021, but who knows what the next year will bring?
Thank you for reading and supporting me in my journey. 

Happy New Year!
Sam x


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